Confidence.. and the world.
Do you live in this prison? Yeah, I do too. It's hard not to care about what others say about it you. Even harder yet, to not believe what they say! But it is possible! I was reading in this magazine (Brio) earlier, and it was talking about being confident in yourself, and deflecting what ~they~ say. Here's what Brio said: "The Bible says you are a beloved child of the King. He loves you, delights over you, gave His life for you. If you get into God's Word and soak in the reality of His love for you, then your confidence won't be based on the fickle opinions of people. Instead it can be rooted in how valuable God says you are." Our value is bigger than any hurtful words and any nasty criticism the world will throw at you. You are loved by the most Valued, the most Wonderful, the Highest One ever! If He can love you, you can love yourself. You are better than the pain. You are stronger than the sting. You can do this with God's help. You can stop b...