Love, Peace, Hope, Joy.
The words love, hope, peace and joy used to be just words to Me. But after really being depressed and stressed I gave all my problems to God and I'm trusting him to take care of me. The other day I was feeling really bad and I got really mad and upset when some girl was being insensitive about my grandpa's death. She probably didn't know it but it still hurt me all the same. So anyway I was feeling horrible and I had been fighting with my mom and so I was upset. And then I thought of the song "Something in the water" by Carrie Underwood. And in the song she talks about giving everything bad over to God and she found love, and strength and now she is changed. So I went in my bedroom, I fell to my knees, and I asked God to forgive me for not trusting him when I know I should have, and I gave him everything. I'm happy now. I am loved by God, I can hope in God, I get Joy from God and and most importantly to me I have found peace in God. The Lord is...