
Showing posts from June, 2017

Suicide awareness.

  So I was scrolling through my news feed on facebook and a suggested post came up it was "I Used to Cry" by Lynn music. I like a lot of music pages so naturally I get stuff like this a lot! I liked the music so I watched it. If you want to watch it I would definitely look up the lyrics because the video was not very appropriate 😑 But anyway.  In the video it shows the girl,  (I guess she's Lynn)  with mean words all over her body,  like freak and fake and stupid and MANY more. She says in the song something like it became to much to handle. And I got to thinking kids in school are made fun of everyday. Constantly picked on and bullied. And it's NOT OK. Did you know that each year 44,193 Americans die by suicide. And for every suicide there are 25 attempts. On average there are 121 suicides per day. That's wrong. And I bet a lot is from kids bullying other kids  you must have a really sick twisted mind to hurt someone so much  they attempt or ...

You are beautiful. 💞

The Lord laid this on my heart to post about this so please take the time to read it❤ Ok so a lot of people don't like how they look. They think their ugly,  or fat,  to tall,  to short, I could go on and on! But guess what? Your beautiful.  Don't believe me?  Here look what the Bible says: "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7 And we shouldn't worry about our outward appearances,  here read what the Bible has to say: "your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of  gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 peter 3:3-4 And how about this verse: but the Lord said to Samuel "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him." the Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look...

God's Art.

I walked out to the fence where my land stops and my neighbors starts. I was only there to catch the fighting cats, but something else stopped me. It was the beauty. The lovely pond, the wonderful blue sky, and the endless trees and magnificent fields. As I rocked back and forth on  the wire fence, admiring the serene beauty I started to think. This is God's art. I thought. And I'm God's art. I am beautiful because God created me. It's so awesome that God wanted me in this world, that I have a purpose. That God saw me fit to fulfill this purpose in life. Suddenly everything seemed OK. Being behind on school was OK, fighting with my parents seemed stupid and OK, all my worries were so little and stupid. Everything was OK. Everything I had just thought went to my heart. Knowing that God created beautiful, wonderful things. Nothing changed but somehow everything did. Jesus loves me and he gave me a purpose in life. His purpose. It's truly an honor 💕 Just...