God's Art.

I walked out to the fence where my land stops and my neighbors starts.
I was only there to catch the fighting cats, but something else stopped me.
It was the beauty.
The lovely pond, the wonderful blue sky, and the endless trees and magnificent fields.
As I rocked back and forth on  the wire fence, admiring the serene beauty I started to think.
This is God's art. I thought. And I'm God's art. I am beautiful because God created me.
It's so awesome that God wanted me in this world, that I have a purpose. That God saw me fit to fulfill this purpose in life.
Suddenly everything seemed OK. Being behind on school was OK, fighting with my parents seemed stupid and OK, all my worries were so little and stupid. Everything was OK.
Everything I had just thought went to my heart.
Knowing that God created beautiful, wonderful things.
Nothing changed but somehow everything did.
Jesus loves me and he gave me a purpose in life.
His purpose.
It's truly an honor 💕
Just remember, Jesus loves YOU, he loved you so much he died for you.
He wants you to love and obey him. He wants you to accept him as your Lord and Savior.
You are awesome, and beautiful, amazing and unique. You are you and that is your power. Use your power in a good way😊
God bless you💛 and remember Jesus loves you 💕
"The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you." 2 Timothey 4:22.


  1. You drew me into it. I was there with you. Good writing. Also, Excellent message launched from the moment. I like your style! Keep writing. This is good devotional material.

  2. You have a real talent for writing!


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